Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports Pty Ltd Privacy Policy
Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports complies with its Legislative obligations and upholds The Privacy Act (Commonwealth), 1988 and its operations. The Privacy Act 1988 protects your personal information. Personal information is information that identifies you or could identify you and includes information about your health.
Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports adheres to the Privacy Act along with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) that govern the way in which personal information must be collected, stored, used, accessed, and disclosed.
Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports believes that all stakeholders should be informed of how Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports gathers, stores and uses their information and that if required, they can access their information, update it and request a copy at any time. Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports values and respects stakeholders’ right to privacy and dignity and maintaining confidentiality of their personal and private information.
Rod Alexander Inclusive Supports collects relevant personal information for the purposes of assessing your eligibility for either employment, care planning or care services. All information collected is securely stored with authorised access only.
All Stakeholders are responsible for abiding by this policy. Any questions or queries in regards to confidentiality and privacy should be directed to the Director via
Information is only exchanged with external parties with your written consent. Information collected about you is private and remains confidential. Your information will not be used for any other purpose without your permission and consent.